Thursday, October 29, 2009

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

so today was a slightly good day. Not bad to say the least. hung out with Ryan "McRowen" and Hannah Basham/family. shared a few good laughs and then watched Transformers 2 with My papa. got home looked at some online colleges and possible routes for my life. Need a good paying job much? haha. Off to bed to get up for work tomorrow. hooray!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Know We Got It Good But They Got It Made

Im going to somewhat begin to blog daily just to see if anyone pays attention really. So comment away!....Not. anyhow Life is an interesting rollercoaster of a time. i wanted to join the marines for a while but my recruiter but he was kind of a jerk. Just didnt really explain the corps really well and was very unprofessional. Yay military robots! I want to pursue some sort of life but i dont really know where to begin it. I have general ideas and good advice from great people but just very hard to be self motivated. Like a stubborn mule. Sometimes i would love to just win the lottery but dont we all! Hooray for being 18 and a loser right? HAH. so struggles with God are consistant as the stars in the sky and I've been somewaht neglectful lately but i feel kind of ok at sometimes which is usually due to high levels of caffeine and low attention spans. As always! I've contemplated moving in with mikey come december but who knwos whats to come in my unexpected twisted day to day life. I work part time at a candy shop so i suppose thats somewhat positive. Its sort of like my false hope that the future will be cool when i get that next paycheck. So immature of me. GROW UP! shit. so many things in my life to manage yet there are really not. we'll see what is and is to come.